18 months ago I was single, living in the Beehive state and occasionally stalking Garrett on facebook. I would have never guessed that there could be so much change so fast. I now know a lot of things I never knew before. I didn't know Bluefield West Virginia existed. I didn't know I could be so happy being married to someone that is better than what I dreamed about or wished for on birthday cakes or prayed for in my single sick of munch and mingle adult heart.I didn't know how much I would love ice packs after birth. I didn't know how to follow a Penske titanic sized truck while keeping a pacifier in a baby's mouth at the same time. I didn't know I could love someone who burps, can't talk and do anything back but have gas. I didn't know I could do hard things like move across the country and leave everything comfortable.

After packing and packing and packing with lots of help Garrett left in the big bird truck and I flew out the next day trying to avoid the 24 hour drive to Michigan. After boarding the plane and breathing already used garage sale stale air for an hour the man's voice crackled over the intercom and announced that they had just tested the brakes on the plane and they were not working so we would need to get off and wait for assistance. (Since when do we not check the brakes
before everyone gets on?) Well, the assistance led to a 9 hour waiting which turned into a total of 15 hours before we finally arrived. Don't worry, Liv screeched like a teradactyl and everyone thought I was stabbing her for a good 2 hours in the middle of the airport where they tried to find us flights. Finally we arrived in Michigan where we filled up the family bonding tank and enjoyed Papa Bruce steaks and good times. Then it was time to depart as Liv and I rocked the Civic and Garrett and the GPS took the lead as the yellow Godzilla of the freeway on a 10 hour drive. Most 3 week old babies haven't left the house. Liv not only flew in a plane, moved states but also experienced her first car accident when I rear ended Garrett at a rest stop while trying to decide which piece of chicken to eat first...crispy or

original KFC. Not an exciting wreck, and a rather embarrassing reason but rather than swearing, G just hugged me and said, "That's ok Chel, now we'll just fit in better in Bluefield!" I know. It's going to be slightly awkward when I keep getting wrinkles and older and he never does and I find out he's actually one of the 3 Nephites. It will be like a reverse Benjamin Button. His patience never ceases to blow my mind. Finally we arrived at 2616 Horton Road, Bluefield West Virginia 24701 and were greeted by Bill, Bob, Ed, and Jo Beth. I could barely understand the Wendy's drive through because the accent was so thick. It looked like hills of giant broccoli from Kroger as we drove. I said I felt like we found the "great valley" from Land Before Time (the first movie, not the following 7, they and free willy needed to stop after 1). We were far from home, or actually I should say, we were home, or what would become our home and life for the next year.
Our address in case you're on your way... | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Sign posts in WV |
The old coal mine and train... |
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