In case you haven't been reading any previous posts, let me make it very clear that I love family time. Not like, not tolerate, not appreciate...LOVE. As in, I don't think there is anything better on Earth. Moving to the middle of nowhere (ie West Virginia) I have realized that there is nothing more important (especially when G wears his mother's white visor on the boat at family vacation). I couldn't have better in laws and I loved every day we had together in northern Michigan.
Seeing as I married into a golf family, I participated in the 18 hole family scramble. I admit my attitude wasn't the best on the last 9. Perhaps it had something to do with the fact that I spent a lot of time in the trees and far from that frustrating hole. I just haven't caught the golf vision but maybe someday, until then I will support G in his valiant efforts to become the big dog...
Every couple was in charge of a dinner and activity which made for a wide variety of options each evening after we finally put the offspring to sleep.
A few activities included family four square tournament:
A poker challenge where Kody took it all:
A "protect your egg being dropped from the top of the stairs with only 20 straws and 10 pieces of tape" game (duh, don't act like you haven't played that):
An 11 pm capture the flag game on the golf green where our house was located:
A girls afternoon in Petoskey including shopping, lunch, gelato and talking (please ignore my hideous bangs in this pic, it was windy, I'm not making excuses, it really was windy):
Boating with Kerry showing all of us up with her tube standing trick of impressiveness and Esther turning out to make all the boys look bad with her surfing and wake boarding skills:
Family Truth or Dare (my contribution and participation was mandatory):
And plenty of eating, sitting, Olympic watching, game playing, more eating, and just being together:
(No, we do not encourage kissing cousins; although this is a nice change from Jaxon chest bumping Liv whenever no one was watching...)
The grand magnum opus finale was the blessing of Hudson Alexander the Sunday we left...
I always love the classic bro shot. Who inherits 6 quality brother in laws when they get married?
Oh, I did and I love it :
(Liv wasn't being blessed, she just really likes attention while Hudson practiced sucking on a straw:)
I'm telling you, if you don't know these people you are missing out. I love my family like crazy. It was a needed week of what matters most.
AAAWWWW, fUN, fUN , fUN...Cant wait till els wedding and then Beths wedding which equals more family time!!!!