Friday, September 20, 2013


I decided I want to start a new scrapbook of firsts.  I love firsts. The first time you try anything is always and forever a unique and irreplaceable experience. You can never re inact the first of anything because it will always be different and you will know what to expect so your reaction will never be the same. Think about it, some of the most memorable moments in life are firsts. That doesn't necessarily mean they are all positive magical feelings, but memorable.  Your first kiss, the first positive pregnancy test, the first time you tried wasabi, your first car, your first home, etc. etc.  Many things in life seem less memorable, simply because they happen so often that we forget the "first" affect.  Having children makes you stop and realize what a big deal things are because you are watching a mini human have a first EVERYTHING.  This week Liv had her first experience with an umbrella.
There is nothing magnificent about umbrellas. I hardly feel they have any "wow" factor at all until I saw how stunned Liv was at the entire concept. She sat outside the sliding glass door under her umbrella in complete amazement that she was dry while having all the perks of warm rain around her for a very very long time.
Liv also got her first library card this week. By the way the woman was giving her the information, you would have thought it was a temple recommend.  
Liv had her first sip of pop awhile ago and it was memorable for everyone. 

However, all first pale in comparison to this....
Boom baby. That's right. Put on your plastic jewel shoes because it be potty training time at the Seibolds....  If you have any advice, please feel free to call; or drop off your best carpet cleaner.

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