Saturday, October 29, 2011

How I want G to react this Christmas...

G and I have many differences. I hate tomatoes. He loves them. I could sleep in until I rot. G wakes up at 5 am ready to start accomplishing his daily goals.  One of the most extreme differences we have is on the reaction spectrum.  I could light fireworks and come out of a hot air balloon in a Chinese Dragon and G would have the same reaction as watching the most boring High Council talk in this dispensation.  It's one of the things that I love and drives me the most crazy because I thrive on reactions.  I love demonstration of expression all the time.  I am like an emotional volcano that erupts in excitement over anything.  It could be considered extreme. But then again, so could G.  As in the opposite extreme.  It's definitely one of those things where there is no middle ground and we're ok with that.  It's like a reaction tsunami and a calm tranquil reaction river being together forever. Even though sometimes I wish G would react like the girl in this clip....

1 comment:

  1. I feel the exact same way about Eric!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! haha... Our men...what are we to do with them!
