Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Dinner time.

There is no way to break down the trip of the century and all the family festivities that took place so I have concluded that the most effective way would be to record by event.  Today I would briefly like to focus on a restaurant known as chuck a rama. For some reason my grandparents have an affinity to this family and fat friendly eatery. There is no lack of selection or variety and if they had too many customers like Tay, they would be out of business in a matter of days but for the rest of us, there's usually something for everyone. If I was really loaded, it would be handy to have a chuck a rama in my basement.  Maybe I'm just thinking about it because I am in the dinner prep zone.  Meaning that if I don't think of something and start in the next 15 minutes, my options exponentially diminish until I am left with the classic quesadilla in the microwave or cereal and that will not win me any homemaker awards. None. So while I go think of something, I am posting some pics of a dinner o glory from weeks past. I love eating. I love family. I like chuck a rama. The combo of all three is what we call digestive magic.

Can we say oreo?

She misses this man. She told me.

Meet Chuck a rama's nightmare.

Until next time, chuck a rama, adieu.

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